To have at least two (2) locations for each of the ten (10) Departments of Haiti to receive the trash from the individuals in each Department, then after to bring the trash to the main location.
The waste sorting plant is to separate the organic matter, plastics, metals, masonry and other substances out from the municipal solid waste to the maximum, to improve the reusing and recycling of municipal solid Waste.
Placement of garbage cans, dumpsters, garbage trucks and trash pick-up schedule.
Effectively Manage and Utilize funds.
Bold Projections - Phase 1 - Project Clean
▪ Present project to the citizens and government of Haiti and the US. ▪ Partner with local processing facilities for proper disposal of trash. ▪ Partner with local company for technological support. ▪ Collaborate with local municipalities for security, bye-in and financial support. ▪ Purchase trucks, equipement, tools and supplies. ▪ Create infrastructures in Haiti to support initiative. ▪ Model the project through a “Day of Service” in partnership with Churches, NGO’s, Universities and Schools volunteering to initiate Project Clean in Haiti.
Bold Projections - Phase 2 - Project Build
▪ Promote, employ, and onboard individuals from all ten Departments of Haiti to start with Project Clean. ▪Model the project through a “Day of Service” in partnership with Churches, NGO’s, Universities and Schools volunteering to initiate Project Build in Haiti.
Bold Projections - Phase 3 - Project Sustain
▪ Provide an opportunity in which the agriculture of our community can be provided locally as we have internationally.